of manual processes automated
6 Million+
business-critical transactions a day
£120 Billion
of revenue among customers

There were benefits straight away from implementing. The fact that we have all the information at our fingertips – we never had access to the granular breakdown of all the information on each contract before.”
– DOC Cleaning
TEAM Software?
Proven Industry Focus and Expertise
With more than 30 years of serving cleaning and security contractors with distributed workforces, our industry longevity is unmatched.
Exceptional Customer Experience
Our collaboration, responsiveness and commitment to value-driven innovation have led to a year-over-year customer retention rate of better than 90%.
Powerful, Scalable Solutions
Designed to scale, our solutions support nearly 1 million end users – from growing mid-sized companies to large global operators with complex needs.
Growth-Enabling Profitability
Our software drives efficiency and productivity, while reducing risk and costs. That kind of profitability sets the stage for significant growth.
Business Solutions
Discover our unrivaled portfolio of industry-specific software solutions. See how our technology can simplify operations and grow your business over time.
Connect with Your Workforce
Engage your workforce with tools to direct, set and track field-based operations.
Deliver on Promises
Discover our solutions designed to help you deliver on and exceed customer expectations.
Run A Smarter Operation
Increase efficiency and productivity with operations tools that help your teams perform and make decisions effectively.
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