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TemplaCMS: Contract Management Software

TemplaCMS is contract management software with integrated accounts and payroll, designed specifically for security, cleaning and facilities management companies. It meets head-on the unique challenges of running a labour-intensive, site-based, multi-contract service business.

TemplaCMS has three key modules:


One Version of the Truth

Grow your revenues without growing your overhead. With a central database powering each business process, you only input contract data in one location. Save on administration time, avoid duplication and eliminate keying errors.

Take a test drive.

Available in three packs – Core, Engage and Business Intelligence – TemplaCMS helps you
maintain financial control while delivering high standards of quality assurance and customer service.

If you’re in the U.S. or Canada, take a look at WinTeam for your financial and
workforce management needs.

Analyse Profitability

Managing profit is easier if you can measure it in the first place. Using the TemplaCMS standard reporting suite, you can budget and analyse each revenue and cost stream in your business, down to customer and site level. No more downloading data from multiple systems and spreadsheets to analyse performance. Make prompt and well-informed business decisions based on timely and accurate management information. Quickly identify and address overspends happening in any part of your business and target those contracts that are not as profitable as they should be.


Pay Staff Accurately

Set up your pay structures to handle the challenges of a multi-site service industry: staff working across multiple locations; absence cover; different pay rates for the same staff at different sites; and accruing holiday entitlements. With integration to any recognized payroll software, pay your staff accurately and on-time, issuing consolidated pay slips and complying with your workplace pension obligations. Give your managers the ability to view and amend timesheets online in real time, as well as plan absence cover from their mobile device.

Invoice Efficiently

Daily contracted work is just one part of your income. Specialist work, scheduled periodic work, maintenance and washroom supplies often attract the highest margin but can slip though the billing net.  Ensure prompt and accurate invoicing for all work completed and products delivered by scheduling and monitoring the activity of special works teams or subcontractors and by recharging customer consumables where appropriate. Automatically consolidate all items billed onto one monthly invoice in the format your customer wants. Complete the circle by using management information summarised on dashboards to help your finance team monitor outstanding payments and debt.


Engage Easily with Stakeholders

Provide staff, managers, customers and suppliers with easy online access to information. Using smartphones or tablets, front-line staff can view pay slips, holiday planners, training materials and company documentation. Special works teams can access work instructions and manage job completion. Field managers can spend more time with staff and clients by completing quality audits and carrying out administrative tasks in the field, synchronising from tablet to the central database as they go. Use e-trading to order stores and consumables. You will improve customer relationships by providing online access to compliance data, contract specifications and invoices.

“In a very competitive market, it is important to be able to constantly review detailed contract performance in real-time allowing you to keep control of all cost elements no matter how small. TemplaCMS has enabled us to grow the business significantly whilst actually reducing central overhead. Over the five years we have worked with Templa to develop the software’s functionality, they have provided us with a tool that is without comparison in the contract cleaning market.”

Julian Lingham, Finance Director
Regular Cleaning, London, U.K.

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