Are You Looking for a Less Complicated Employee Tracking Solution?

For cleaning and security companies and contractors, choosing the right tracking solution means finding the tool that provides detailed information on where employees are located, increases visibility on-site if incident reports are needed and aids with reporting or analytics.

All of these features need to be available for industry professionals to perform their work without sacrificing ease of use, affordable cost or effectiveness on the job. While seeking the best tracking solution, a few common questions for companies to ask include:

  • Do you know who is on-site and when?
  • Are there too many supervisors spending too much time visiting properties?
  • What expectations do customers have in terms of visibility and reporting?
  • How long does it take to generate reports?
  • Which sites perform the best and are there sites that need more attention?
  • Are the current systems performing properly and doing their roles?
  • Could the team benefit from fewer systems, in terms of training and accountability?

While considering whether or not a less complicated location tracking solution is best for your company, ensure that these and other questions about your current tools are answered. Then compare technology capabilities to determine which location tracking solution will work best for your contract without overcomplicating everyday tasks.

Simplify daily operations with location tracking 

A location tracking solution functions as a control platform for managing employees while offering tools to increase productivity and customer satisfaction. With the right solution, a manager or supervisor can easily view the exact time employees start and end shifts, verify if workers missed a task or post and review the status of a duress alert in real time.

More specifically, a less complicated tracking solution will integrate with a mobile application to ensure that supervisors can easily confirm if an area is clean or safe by requiring employees to upload pictures. Cleaning professionals can use these inspection capabilities to verify that workers completed their tasks. Security contractors can use these same features to establish that an area is toured and secured.

Modern location tracking solutions eliminate the need for paper inspections. Instead, digital tasks and checklists can be submitted via a mobile application to help supervisors monitor distributed workers without actually being in the field. For example, managers can confirm that uniforms are professional, credentials are up to date and equipment is working properly. 

Cleaners and guard tracking 

The right tracking solution will simplify the process of reviewing new incidents with live maps that help supervisors effortlessly establish connections with workers by monitoring their real-time positions throughout shifts.

A simplified location tracking solution should provide automated alerts for missed activity, daily emails and instant notifications of incidents. This feature keeps the correct personnel informed via notifications and messages. To promptly inform the right person, group and individual messages should be available with the right location tracking solution.

For contractors requiring proof of service, location tracking software offers streamlined data. This type of information is hard evidence that can show contractual agreements were met. These can be in the form of videos and photos, which can be shared with customers. During the bidding process, this kind of information can be used as a selling point to attract new business.

Mobile technology and employee tracking

Tracking technology offers various advantages. In particular, the technology is usually compatible with mobile workforce management software. The most common technologies used with location tracking software are Bluetooth beacon technology, GPS and geo-fences, Radio-frequency identification (RFID), Near-field communication (NFC) and QR codes.

GPS and geo-fences are regularly used to confirm that workers are on site and performing their duties. These devices work in both indoor and outdoor spaces. However, Bluetooth beacon technology can help provide accurate information in an indoor environment with many levels without an active checkpoint. RFID, NFC tags and QR codes use radio waves that contractors can easily deploy or maintain at a low cost. 

Each technology will offer unique benefits for increasing the on-site visibility of distributed workers. GPS devices are accurate up to 50 yards. Bluetooth beacons are accurate within about 10 yards. NFC tags, RFID and QR codes provide an accurate location within about one yard. 

Contractors can combine some technologies across a single site, such as geo-fences and NFC tags. Making sure that your location tracking software is compatible with multiple technologies without compromising ease of engagement begins with researching the technologies to confirm which works best for your business.

Lighthouse: Mobile workforce management

Lighthouse is mobile workforce management software that leading security and cleaning companies use to monitor their workers, especially companies that manage a large number of workers across multiple facilities. The software integrates with Bluetooth beacon technology, GPS and geo-fences, RFID, NFC tags and QR codes. 

Business owners can better start and end shifts using Lighthouse to ensure their employees are where they should be. Additionally, Lighthouse makes reviewing shift data and exporting information to a preferred payroll system an easy process. 

To learn more about Lighthouse and how it can help your business, review the following video and schedule a time to speak with a TEAM Software specialist