Q&A on QA: A Commercial Cleaning Quality Assurance Checklist

As a leader in the cleaning industry, you know how important quality assurance (QA) is.

Quality assurance (QA) is the backbone of your business. As a cleaning business leader, you understand customer retention and standing out from the competition are dependent on the quality of services you’re able to deliver — meaning QA is crucial to the long-term success of your businesses.

With integrated quality assurance software, you can prove the quality of your services. Using real-time, streamlined data housed in a single software solution, you can compare the outcomes of your cleaners’ routes, ensure you’re hitting key performance benchmarks established in your service-level agreements and share your findings in easy-to-understand reports for both your internal stakeholders and your clients. Take a look at our commercial cleaning quality assurance checklist infographic below, illustrating how leaders in the cleaning industry are using TEAM Software’s integrated quality assurance software for themselves.


For a more complete look at Quality Assurance, download our free, shareable Q&A on Quality Assurance cheat sheet.